Friday, May 21, 2010

Homeschooling is Pro-Life!

(Timothy Alan S. Rodriguez, safe and sound in Mama's womb :)

I first felt the Holy Spirit's stirrings to homeschool when I attended our community's first major Pro-Life event way back in 2006. We had a speaker from Human Life International, Brian Clowes, and it was a truly inspiring, eye-opening event. Back then I was pregnant with our first child, who will be turning 4 in October. Hubby and I were so privileged to be part of the Pro-Life event/training back then (we were even chosen as models for one of the creative presentations!). Little did I know that Pro-Life and Homeschooling would eventually become two big passions in my life!

When Joseph Meaney of HLI came to Timor Leste in 2007 for our Family Life Conference, he spoke again about homeschooling and presented briefly the differences in kids who are homeschooled versus those who aren't. His presentation really made me (and hubby too!) start to seriously consider homeschooling as an option for our children.

The conviction to homeschool our kids continued to grow (perhaps God really planted it in our hearts) and was further strengthened when we heard about Bo Sanchez's homeschool catering specifically to Catholic Filipino parents like ourselves.

For my part, I have come to believe that homeschooling may not be God's will for some families, whom He may call to doing mission by sending their kids to public or private schools (even Catholic schools nowadays need a LOT of revival and renewal and are prime mission fields!). Indeed it is challenging and perhaps a bit frightening to even consider teaching one's children at home. "I'm not a qualified teacher!" "Will I have the discipline and time to do this?" "How can we afford to live on one salary?" "Will my kids be anti-social?" These questions are usually the first that come to mind when one starts thinking about homeschooling.

Thankfully, if one does enough research (thank You Lord for the internet!), one can get lots of answers to these questions, and also find encouragement and draw inspiration from countless homeschoolers who truly believe that teaching your kids at home is THE way to go!

As for our family, we are still in the process of making the final decision to homeschool (when to "officially" start i.e. with a structured curriculum, which curriculum to use, how to deal with the financial and practical aspects, etc etc). For the meantime, we just want to make the most of the time God has blessed us with, especially by having our kids on mission with us. This includes "homepreschooling" our kids.

To be Catholic in this day and age calls for a firm belief in defending our faith, our families, our homes. If I call myself Catholic, then I should be Pro-Life. I firmly believe that homeschooling is pro-life, and that the pro-life work should involve advocating homeschooling.

When we homeschool our kids, it is easier for us to pass down our Catholic faith and life to them. We also get to choose what influences them and in turn how they will live their lives as good Catholics and responsible citizens. We get to be there for them during the critical, crucial stages of their development in all aspects of their lives. We get to teach them about things that are not normally taught in schools, especially the lessons of life.
 (3 and a half year old Tim, reading his "Bible" after seeing his Papa reading our daily Bible reflection guide. It was so CUTE and INSPIRING! He even told me "Mama, I'm reading about Jesus rising from the dead. Or you call it `Resurrection.' :) Note to self: Buy Tim his own kid's Bible when we get home to the Philippines! Hahaha)

Homeschooling is PRO-LIFE.

If you believe that God is calling you to homeschool, do not be afraid. There are many men and women, families out there who are doing the same thing. Because they are CONVICTED, not just convinced, to do so. Let's pray for one another that we will be able to act upon all that God is calling us to do, especially in the best interest of our children.

"As for me and my house, will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15
 (Our 2nd child, almost 11-month old Rysse, seems to enjoy praying the Rosary with us. The other night, she woke up at 2 a.m. and when I carried her, she saw the rosaries on our little altar in the bedroom, and kept pointing to them and smiling and babbling, so I gave her one to hold. She kept babbling, and it seemed as if she was reminding us to pray the Rosary, which we usually do every night, but that night we had overlooked it. Needless to say, we ended up praying early that morning, and Rysse went back to sleep soon after! Amazing God!)

Listed below are some books that may help you discover the richness of homeschooling :)



Unknown said...

Hello! I love your blog! Thanks for linking to my blog as well. You have done a great job of compiling information here. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post! You are right about not needing to be afraid to homeschool. There are logical answers to those common fears. Besides, we know that God never calls us to do something without equipping us for the task first.
I just posted about that topic on my blog---"Help--I'm Afraid to Homeschool." You and your readers might enjoy it. Visit me at